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Used and new enviromental plants

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466 products found  products per site
products will be shown from no. 151 to 161
used automatic 6 stage ultrasonic cleaning plant for smaller parts in boxes (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used automatic 6 stage ultrasonic cleaning plant for smaller parts in boxes
  Type  6S-SS/SP/TR-45
  Manufacturer  GTB
  Year of manufacture  1999
  Content  100 / 50 / 30 l receiving container 1 / receiving container 2 / detergent container
  Pressure  5 bar compressed air connection
  Connections  2x DN20 water connection / disposal connection
  Further information  10 `` wrapping filter (filter cleaning / filter rinsing)

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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surface technology » miscellaneous
used IBC storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals with collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used IBC storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals with collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Description of components in the IBC: Exhaust duct, IBC emptying Quickconnect and other valves
  Accessories  collecting tray installed
  Volume  0.5 m³ collecting tray
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical supply system with 2 pcs. Almatec chemical pumps (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical supply system with 2 pcs. Almatec chemical pumps
  Type  Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec A10TTT compressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  1.4 m³/h max.
  Pressure  7 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used IBC chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used IBC chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Description of components in the IBC: Exhaust duct, IBC emptying Quickconnect and other valves
  Accessories  collecting tray installed
  Volume  0.5 m³ collecting tray
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used plastic tank with a flat bottom (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used plastic tank with a flat bottom
  Type  Polyetylen
  Volume  3 m³ Total volume
  Tank bottom  flach
  Material  PE
  Height  1970 mm tank

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage / conditioning of fluids » storage tanks
used plastic tank with flat bottom (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used plastic tank with flat bottom
  Type  Polyethylen
  Volume  3 m³ Total volume
  Tank bottom  flach
  Material  PE
  Height  1970 mm tank

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage / conditioning of fluids » storage tanks
used pastic tank with a flat bottom (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used pastic tank with a flat bottom
  Type  Polyethylen
  Volume  3 m³ Total volume
  Tank bottom  flach
  Material  PE
  Height  1970 mm tank

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage / conditioning of fluids » storage tanks
new 100 pieces of new filter cloths for chamber filter press FILOX 800 No. 29441 and 29445 (1 Stk. im Posten)

immediately available  show details - new 100 pieces of new filter cloths for chamber filter press FILOX 800 No. 29441 and 29445
  Type  PPN
  Dimensions  800 x 800 mm
  Material  PP
  Temperature  Belastung bis 100 °C
  Miscellaneous  Literleistung ( Luft ) 70 l/dm²/min

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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sieving / sedimentation / filtration » chamber filter presses, membrane filter presses
used IBC chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used IBC chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Clean room cabinet for storing or dosing dangerous liquid chemicals in IBC. Cabinet with exhaust air connection and supply air filter.
  Diameter  1000 mm
  Accessories  Drip pan installed
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used KINETICS chemical dosing cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used KINETICS chemical dosing cabinet
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec Fut50T (optional) Compressed air membrane pump
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h max.
  Pressure  6 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations


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