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Used and new enviromental plants

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466 products found  products per site
products will be shown from no. 141 to 151
used control cabinet for a wastewater treatment plant / control cabinet / (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used control cabinet for a wastewater treatment plant / control cabinet /
  Voltage  400 V
  Voltage  24 V
  Steering  S7-300 CPU 313C
  Steering  1 X SM 331 analogous input

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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electrotechnology » control cabinets, electrical cabinets
used dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink
  Type  3B-30/20/30/-FB/SP/FB
  Manufacturer  GTB Gerätetechnik
  Year of manufacture  2003
  Voltage  3x 400 V
  Amperage  20 A
  Content  30 / 20 l 2x dye basin / 1x sink
  Power  4,5 kW per dye basin / sink

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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industrial engineering, manufacturing » miscellaneous
used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink
  Type  3B-30/20/30/-FB/SP/FB
  Manufacturer  GTB Gerätetechnik
  Year of manufacture  2003
  Voltage  3x 400 V
  Amperage  20 A
  Content  30 /10 / 20 l 1x dyeing basin / 3x dyeing basin / 1x sink
  Power  4,5 / 1,48 / 4,5 kW 1x dyeing basin / 3x 1.48 dyeing basins / 1x sink

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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industrial engineering, manufacturing » miscellaneous
used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink
  Type  3B-30/20/30/-FB/SP/FB
  Manufacturer  GTB Gerätetechnik
  Year of manufacture  2003
  Voltage  3x 400 V
  Amperage  20 A
  Content  30 / 20 l 2x dye basin / 1x sink
  Power  4,5 kW per dye basin / sink

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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industrial engineering, manufacturing » miscellaneous
used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink
  Type  8B-10/16-FB/SP
  Manufacturer  GTB Gerätetechnik
  Year of manufacture  2003
  Voltage  3x 400 V
  Amperage  32 A
  Content  10 / 16 l per dye basin / per sink
  Power  1,5 / 4,5 kW per dye basin / per sink

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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industrial engineering, manufacturing » miscellaneous
used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used dyeing basin / dyeing plant made of stainless steel with heating and sink
  Type  8B-10/16-FB/SP
  Manufacturer  GTB Gerätetechnik
  Year of manufacture  2003
  Voltage  3x 400 V
  Amperage  32 A
  Content  10 / 16 l per dye basin / per sink
  Power  1,5 / 4,5 kW per dye basin / per sink

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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industrial engineering, manufacturing » miscellaneous
used chemistry supply system with 3 modules (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemistry supply system with 3 modules
  Type  HCI
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage / conditioning of fluids » feed stations
used chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals including collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Description of components in the IBC: Exhaust duct, IBC emptying Quickconnect and other valves
  Accessories  collecting tray installed
  Volume  0.5 m³ collecting tray
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used IBC chemical storage cabinet including collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used IBC chemical storage cabinet including collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Description of components in the IBC: Exhaust duct, IBC emptying Quickconnect and other valves
  Accessories  collecting tray installed
  Volume  0.5 m³ collecting tray
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used IBC storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals with collecting pan (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used IBC storage cabinet for dangerous chemicals with collecting pan
  Type  für IBC und Fässer, mit Absaugmöglichkeit
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Description  - Description of components in the IBC: Exhaust duct, IBC emptying Quickconnect and other valves
  Accessories  collecting tray installed
  Volume  0.5 m³ collecting tray
  Further information  doors made of PVC

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations


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