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Used and new enviromental plants

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466 products found  products per site
products will be shown from no. 111 to 121
unused plate heat exchanger / heating element for mineral oil, water and steam (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused plate heat exchanger / heating element for mineral oil, water and steam
  Type  CBM30-40H-F
  Manufacturer  Alfa Laval
  Year of manufacture  2018
  Type of connection  DN 25
  Pressure  16 bar
  Temperature  200 °C
  Material  Edelstahl Marine grade stainless

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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thermical proceeding » heat exchanger
Rotary filter / vacuum drum filter (1 Pcs.)

call for availability  show details - Rotary filter / vacuum drum filter
  Type  VAVUBLOC 081B448
  Manufacturer  SEITZ, ENZINGER, NOLL
  Year of manufacture  unbekannt
  Filter surface  11,6 m²
   Vakuumpumpen 2 x 7,5KW
  Dimensions  1500 mm Diameter of drum
    2500 mm Drum width

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sieving / sedimentation / filtration » miscellaneous
used frequency converter (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used frequency converter
  Type  ACS880-01-03A4-5
  Manufacturer  ABB
  Year of manufacture  2018
  Description  2 Inputs
  Description  2 Outputs
  Power  1,5 kW
  Protection rating  55 IP

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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electrotechnology » frequency converter
used multistage titanium inline centrifugal pump for sea water (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used multistage titanium inline centrifugal pump for sea water
  Type  CRT8-3E-P-A-E-AUUE
  Manufacturer  Grundfos
  Year of manufacture  2018
  Power  1,10 kW
  Delivery rate  9.5 m³/h nominal flow rate
  Lifting height  32,6 m
  Pieces  12 wheels

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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fluid transportation » centrifugal pumps, radial pumps
unused KRAL EKL / EKS 11 screw pump for pumping lubricating media (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused KRAL EKL / EKS 11 screw pump for pumping lubricating media
  Type  KFN - 10.AAA,.001957
  Manufacturer  Kral
  Year of manufacture  2012
  Power  0,25 kW
  Delivery rate  0.0073 m³/h
  Filter surface  320
  Pressure  6 bar

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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fluid transportation » miscellaneous
unused oil circulation module for steam and hot water generators (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused oil circulation module for steam and hot water generators
  Manufacturer  LOOS
  Year of manufacture  2012
  Power  8,5 kg/h
  Power  330 kg/h
  Material  Stahl
  Temperature  130 °C

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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thermical proceeding » measurements
unused pumpstation with magnetic clutched gear pump, unused (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused pumpstation with magnetic clutched gear pump, unused
  Type  CHEM 46.3-4
  Manufacturer  Witte Pumps & technology GmbH
  Year of manufacture  2012
  Power  0.0334 m³/h
  Pressure  3 bar
  Rotations  722
  Material  Edelstahl 1.4571 - pump head

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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fluid transportation » miscellaneous
unused heatexchangerpumpstation with frequency converter - Controlled pump station with shell and tube heat exchanger (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused heatexchangerpumpstation with frequency converter - Controlled pump station with shell and tube heat exchanger
  Manufacturer  Bosch Pharmatec GmbH
  Year of manufacture  2012
  Material  -
   6,6 m³/h KPA Pump
   12,1 m³/h KPA Pump
   Shell and tube heat exchanger 1

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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analysis / measurement » heat exchanger
unused pumpstation with magnetic clutched gear pump, unused (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused pumpstation with magnetic clutched gear pump, unused
  Type  CHEM 46.3-4
  Manufacturer  Witte Pumps & technology GmbH
  Year of manufacture  2012
  Power  0.0334 m³/h
  Pressure  3 bar
  Rotations  722
  Material  Edelstahl 1.4571 - pump head

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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fluid transportation » miscellaneous
unused oil lubricated Rotary vane vacuum pump (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - unused oil lubricated Rotary vane vacuum pump
  Type  RA 0040 F 503
  Manufacturer  Busch
  Year of manufacture  2011
  Power  40 m³/h
  Power  1.4 kW
  Pressure  0.1 mbar
  Revolutions per minute  1500 1/min

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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fluid transportation » miscellaneous


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