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466 products found  products per site
products will be shown from no. 161 to 171
used chemical supply system, dosing station in cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical supply system, dosing station in cabinet
  Type  2 x Almatec Futur 50T / 1x Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec Futur 50T 2 x compressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h
  Pressure  6 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
chemical dosing cabinet with electric control (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - chemical dosing cabinet with electric control
  Type  2 x Almatec Futur 50T / 1x Almatec E10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec Fut50T 2 x compressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h max.
  Pressure  6 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical supply system, dosing station in the cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical supply system, dosing station in the cabinet
  Type  Richter MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125, Almatec Futur 50T, Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Description  Richter MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125 magnetically coupled chemical centrifugal pump
  Delivery rate  30 m³/h max.
  Lifting height  30 m max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical supply system with 3 pcs. chemical pumps PTFE (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical supply system with 3 pcs. chemical pumps PTFE
  Type  Richter MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125, Almatec Futur 50T, Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Dimensions  Length 2100 / width 1050 / height 2100mm total with assembly without stand
  Further information  doors made of PVC, body made of PE white
  Weight  600 kg approx.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control
  Type  Richter Typ MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125, Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Description  Richter MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125 Chemical centrifugal pump
  Delivery rate  30 m³/h max.
  Lifting height  30 m max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control
  Type  Almatec Futur 50T
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Description  - Almatec Futur 50T
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h
  Lifting height  6 m

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical dosing cabinet with electric control
  Type  Richter Typ MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125, Almatec Futur 50T
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Description  Richter MNK-B/F-P 50-32-125
  Delivery rate  30 m³/h
  Lifting height  30 m max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemistry supply system (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemistry supply system
  Type  Almatec E10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  - Compressed air membrane pump Almatec E10 TTT
  Delivery rate  1.4 m³/min max. at 7 bar
  Height  3 / 9 m Suction lift dry / product-filled

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemistry supply system (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemistry supply system
  Type  HCL
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Chemical inlet on the side, exhaust air and supply air filter on the top
  Description  Almatec A10
  Further information  doors made of PVC
  Dimensions  Length 2100 / width 1050 / height 21000mm total with assembly without stand

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical dosing cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical dosing cabinet
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec Futur 50T (optional) 2 x compressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h max
  Pressure  6 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations


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