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Used and new enviromental plants

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466 products found  products per site
products will be shown from no. 171 to 181
used chemistry supply system, dosing cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemistry supply system, dosing cabinet
  Type  Almatec A15 TTT / 1x Almatec A15 TTZ / 1x Almatec A10TTZ
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec A15 TTT / Almatec A15 TTZ compressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  3.2 m³/h max.
  Pressure  7 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemical supply system, cabinet dosage station (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemical supply system, cabinet dosage station
  Type  2 x Almatec Futur 50T/ 1 x Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Connections  - Inlet and outlet connections for chemicals, exhaust air and supply air filters on the top
  Description  Almatec Futur 50T 2 xcompressed air diaphragm pump
  Delivery rate  3 m³/h max.
  Pressure  6 bar max.

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used chemistry supply system with tank , dosing cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used chemistry supply system with tank , dosing cabinet
  Type  HF
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Dimensions  Length 2000 / width 2000 / height 34000mm total with assembly without stand
  Weight  600 kg approx.
  Description  - Fixed tank / storage rod on PP frame
  Material  PE

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
chemical supply system with tank and air operated diaphragma pump, cabinet dosage station (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - chemical supply system with tank and air operated diaphragma pump, cabinet dosage station
  Type  Almatec A10TTT
  Manufacturer  Kinetics
  Year of manufacture  2010
  Dimensions  Length 2000 / width 2000 / height 3400mm total with assembly without stand
  Weight  600 kg approx.
  Description  - Fixed tank / storage rod on stainless steel frame
  Material  -

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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storage of dangerous material » feed stations
used plate heat exchanger (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used plate heat exchanger
  Type  N 40 CDS-10
  Manufacturer  GEA
  Year of manufacture  2009
  Serial number  185/11500
  Number of plates  19
  Material  Edelstahl Heat exchanger plates made of stainless steel
  Further information  1 / 2 Product group

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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thermical proceeding » heat exchanger
ultrafiltration plant for separation of emulsions (1 Pcs.)

call for availability  show details - ultrafiltration plant for separation of emulsions
  Type  UF 20
  Year of manufacture  2011
  Power  4.000 l/h Filtrate performance of the plant
  Dimensions  L/B/H 2400 x 1500 x 3800 (2400 x 1200 x 3800 / 1600 x 1600 x 2800) mm
  Weight  3000 - 4000 kg

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sieving / sedimentation / filtration » filtration plants
used hot air sterilisator cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used hot air sterilisator cabinet
  Type  ST4, mit 668 Betriebsstunden
  Manufacturer  Heraeus
  Year of manufacture  1987
  Temperature  70 -250 °C
  Voltage  380 / 220 V Nominal voltage / control voltage
  Power  8.25 kW rated capacity
  Volume  343 l Usable space

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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disinfection » miscellaneous
pressure boosting station (1 Pcs.)

call for availability  show details - pressure boosting station
  Year of manufacture  2018
  Delivery rate  1000 m³/h
  Lifting height  52 m
  Connections  DN 350
  Miscellaneous  operation time: approx. 17 month

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fluid transportation » Hochdruckpumpe
ultrafiltration plant in 40 feet container (1 Pcs.)

call for availability  show details - ultrafiltration plant in 40 feet container
  Type  Containeranlage
  Pieces  8 Ultrafiltration modules
  Filter surface  60 m² per module
  Pressure  1.5 bar max. Transmembrane pressure (filtration)
  Pressure  3.0 bar max. Transmembrane pressure (backwash)

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enriching / concentration » filtration plants
used hot air sterilisator cabinet (1 Pcs.)

immediately available  show details - used hot air sterilisator cabinet
  Type  ST4, 44 operating hours
  Manufacturer  Heraeus
  Year of manufacture  1987
  Temperature  70 -250 °C
  Voltage  380 / 220 V Nominal voltage / control voltage
  Power  8.25 kW rated capacity
  Volume  343 l Usable space

  Lagerartikel, sofort verfügbar ab Warburg
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disinfection » miscellaneous


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