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used used centrifugal fan, fan, blower for aggressive gases from air washer, scrubber - 29953 - Typ: HF R 560-13 D DS3 - Producer Hürner Funken - TIPP Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

used centrifugal fan, fan, blower for aggressive gases from air washer, scrubber

details to article: 29953

Producer:Hürner Funken
Typ:HF R 560-13 D DS3
Year of manufacture:2007
Condition:gebraucht / used / second hand

technical data

Volume flow rate  20000 m³/h ()
Pressure  2306 Pa
Engine  (Direct drive)
Voltage  400 V
Power  30 kW
Rotations  1792 1/min
Diameter  550 mm (Suction side inside)
550 x 550 mm (Print side inside)
Material  PVC (Housing (fan wheel coated))
Dimensions  ()
Length  1500 mm
Width  1420 mm
Height  1430 mm
Weight  650 kg

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informations about: blowers / ventilators

A centrifugal fan ,also blower, or squirrel-cage fan, as it looks like a hamster wheel, is a mechanical device for moving air or other gases. It has a fan wheel composed of a number of fan blades, or ribs, mounted around a hub. The hub turns on a driveshaft that passes through the fan housing. The gas enters from the side of the fan wheel, turns 90 degrees and accelerates due to centrifugal force as it flows over the fan blades and exits the fan housing.
Centrifugal fans can generate pressure increases in the gas stream. Accordingly, they are well-suited for industrial processes and air pollution control systems. They are also common in central heating or cooling systems.
Centrifugal compressors, sometimes termed radial compressors, are a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work-absorbing turbomachinery.
Centrifugal impeller with a highly polished surface likely to improve performance
Jet engine cutaway showing the centrifugal compressor and other parts
The idealized compressive dynamic turbo-machine achieves a pressure rise by adding kinetic energy or velocity to a continuous flow of fluid through the rotor or impeller. This kinetic energy is then converted to an increase in potential energy or static pressure by slowing the flow through a diffuser.
Imagine a simple case where flow passes through a straight pipe to enter centrifugal compressor. The simple flow is straight, uniform and has no swirl. As the flow continues to pass into and through the centrifugal impeller, the impeller forces the flow to spin faster and faster. According to a form of Eulers fluid dynamics equation, known as pump and turbine equation, the energy input to the fluid is proportional to the flows local spinning velocity multiplied by the local impeller tangential velocity. In many cases the flow leaving centrifugal impeller is near or above 1000 ft. per s or approximately 300 m per s. It is at this point, in the simple case according to Bernoullis principle, where the flow passes into the stationary diffuser for the purpose of converting this velocity energy into pressure energy.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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